Περιτομή (Φίμωση)

    Circumcision (Silence)

    Circumcision is the removal / removal of the excess or crease of the skin that covers the foreskin of the penis, the external male genitalia. Circumcision is mainly associated with religion and is practiced in many newborns, mainly in the Jewish and Muslim religions, where parents are required to circumcise their male infants according to religious rules. This symbolic act is directly related to the social significance of the penis, according to the doctrine of the above religions.Circumcision serves in a sense hygiene reasons: by removing the lust, the chances of infection from the accumulation of microorganisms or foreign bodies (dust, sebum, etc.) are reduced. Circumcision has been reported to be associated with a reduced risk of HIV (AIDS) and HPV (human papillomavirus and warts and cervical cancer). Circumcision becomes medically necessary, when the penis suffers from repeated inflammations such as balanoposthitis or fungal infections, or due to minor injuries that cause gradual narrowing of the skin or in various, mainly autoimmune diseases.

    The operation briefly

    Under local anesthesia, the excess foreskin (the skin that covers the tip of the penis) is usually cut and sutured so that the final tip of the penis (the foreskin) remains uncovered. The area will be covered with gauze that will be removed by the patient the next day.

    Circumcision (Silence)Stay in the hospital

    The operation lasts up to 1 hour and does not require a stay. After the end of the operation, you can leave immediately.


    The incisions are usually hidden in a fold of skin under the groin. After a while, almost nothing will appear.


    The sutures are absorbable and do not need to be removed.

    Postoperative strain

    You need 1-2 hours of rest and abstinence from sexual activity for about 3 weeks.


    From the next day of the operation, the daily bath with water is allowed and good drying is required.


    A complete medical history should be taken before any surgery. As a precautionary measure, no homeopathic or herbal medicine should be taken 7-10 days before surgery or for 3 days after. Also avoid aspirin and anti-inflammatory tablets. A list of prescription drugs for your preoperative assessment would be helpful.

    Circumcision (Silence)