Face Lifting

    Face Lifting


    The  face lifting  is the surgery that treats wrinkles and

    relaxation of the face, neck and forehead.

    Over time, the skin and muscles relax and the skin tone and elasticity is lost. In combination with the action of the sun (photoaging) and gravity, there is a fall of the tissues of the face, neck and forehead. 

    The restoration of wrinkles and the relaxation of only the face, are treated with the  mini lift (face straightening). 

    When we deal only with neck problems we talk about neck lift (neck straightening).

    When we correct the forehead we talk about brow lift (forehead-eyebrow straightening).

    In face lifting the above are often combined or we also combine

    eyelid surgery, neck liposuction and fat injections and / or

    Face LiftingHyaluronic Acid.

    The operation briefly

    Face lifting usually involves the face and

    is called a mini lift . It is made with a small incision, in front of the ear and in the favorite. The muscles are straightened internally and sewn in their new position. The skin is also sewn in its new position, after the excess is removed.

    In the neck lift (neck straightening) we make a small incision under the jaw at a point that is not visible, and below and behind the ear. From there we correct the muscle bands that are visible under the jaw and sew the muscles inside, in order to create the angle that the neck needs. The skin is rarely removed behind the ear.

    In the brow lift (forehead-eyebrow straightening) we make small incisions in the scalp to gain access to the inside of the forehead skin. After making the necessary changes and straightening the eyebrows, based on the preoperative analysis of the face, we sew the skin in its new position.

    Usually the operation ends with the use of a special pressure corset and / or cervical collar. These are used for 5-10 24 hours depending on the case.

    Gauze placed postoperatively is removed in 2 24 hours. The incisions are treated with antibiotic cortisone cream for a few days. The sutures are removed in 5-6 24 hours. 


    Face lifting is done with such a technique that they do not remain visible

    signs. This is achieved by minimal skin removal but mainly by suturing and straightening the inner layers of the skin (muscles and ligaments). This way we do not create any tension in the incisions and they heal effortlessly without obvious signs. The incisions fade and become white in a short time. Most of the patients will have very good quality scars over time. Scars from other wounds give a relatively good indication of how they will mature on the face.

    Drugs and smoking

    Face lifting is an operation of great importance for her

    Patients’ daily routine and medical history will be discussed

    diligently before surgery.

    It is always better if you do not smoke. But if you are a smoker

    try to quit smoking for 4 weeks before and 4

    weeks after surgery. If you can not

    quit smoking, you will definitely be able to reduce to 5

    cigarettes you smoke daily, which will significantly reduce the chances of complications (bruises, bruises, swelling).

    Do not take herbal medicines for about 10 days before surgery or for 3 days after (arnica etc.). Also avoid aspirin (salospir), 7-10 days preoperatively, and anti-inflammatory 3-4 days preoperatively.


    The following complications are the most common but there are others that are mentioned in the international literature.

    Hematoma : perhaps due to hypertension but often for unknown reasons. It needs immediate treatment otherwise the skin may die or cause healing disorders.

    Hypertrophic scars : due to high skin tension. It is prevented with minimal skin removal and proper suturing of the inner layers of the skin.

    Neurological disorders of the lips : usually due to edema. Internationally the probability is at 9%. It is transient and corrects itself in a few weeks or months.

    Alopecia : Slight hair loss on the scalp or in the favorite due to sutures. It fixes itself in a few weeks or months.

    Skin necrosis : usually behind and below the ear. Minor corrective surgery may be needed.

    Skin color disorders : due to extensive ecchymosis.

    Needs skin care with special creams.

    Face Lifting

    Postoperative Instructions: After Face and Neck Lift surgery