Cryolipolysis (Local Thickness)
What is
The kryolipolysi is a modern technology of destruction of local fat. It is a non-invasive method of getting rid of unwanted fat for permanent change of body shape. It competes with Liposuction and that is why it is also called Cold Liposculpture .
It relies on the controlled cooling of local fat at temperatures below 0 ° C. Adipocytes are more prone than skin cells to temperature changes resulting in them dissolving and losing their volume. The fat that comes out is absorbed by the systemic circulation and excreted in normal ways. About 25% -40% of local fat is lost in the session.
How is it done?
With the special pair of heads that have LCD screens, in order to precisely adjust their mode of operation, the target tissue is first aspirated and heated and the circulation increases locally. In the second stage, the tissue cools gradually depending on the settings that we will set. The skin is not damaged because it is protected by special antifreeze membranes and because the fat is more sensitive to temperature changes during application. Due to local inflammation, there is a gradual loss of points in the next 2-3 months.
For which patients it is indicated
For all those who are on a diet and follow an exercise program and want to lose local fat but do not want to undergo surgery. Of course it can be used on any body type but when we are several kilos above our ideal weight the result may not be so impressive.
Are there any side effects?
There are minimal side effects that are temporary. After the treatment, intense redness (redness) and slight swelling (swelling) are observed locally, which subside in a few hours. Mild numbness (numbness) will go away in a few days.